

こんにちは、一般社団法人 ジャシボ  代表 小谷 有季 です。


1、不動産仲介業 販売 賃貸 仲介



【日本不動産投資のジャシボ不動産】TEL:03-6385-4666(午前10時00分~午後6時)不動産に関する質問・相談・問い合わせ: メールinfo@jcbo.jpからお問い合わせ下さい。

  Hello. Today, I would like to change my perspective a little from the general points to be aware of when buying and selling real estate, and talk about some laws that caught my attention as a real estate agent.

An important law directly connected to national security is the so-called “Land Use Regulation Law around Important Facilities and Border Islands.” This law allows us to examine the status of land use on important defense-related facilities and remote islands, and to impose regulations as necessary.

In fact, this law requires special attention for us real estate agents who may be involved in buying or selling islands. When I heard the news of the change in the law, I was worried that additional procedures and investigations would burden my operations.

However, in reality, this law was limited to specific areas where it was necessary for defense, and did not have a major impact on general real estate sales. Ordinary customers are unlikely to be aware of the existence of this law in their daily lives.

Specifically, the law requires “notification” when transferring ownership within designated observation areas or special observation areas. It is important to pay special attention to these areas and note the necessary information in your real estate sales contract.

“Acts that impede functionality” refer to the construction of structures that pose a defense problem, the transmission of jamming signals, and changes to the nature of the land. If these acts are confirmed, the government can issue recommendations or orders.

The target areas are announced on the Cabinet Office website, and it is surprising that they cover a surprisingly wide range. This law is considered to have extremely important meaning from the perspective of defense and maritime conservation in order to protect national security.

Within the larger framework of national security, it is important for us real estate agents to contribute to maintaining a peaceful and secure society through our daily work. We will continue to pay attention to changes in the law and strive to provide the best advice to our customers.

Finally, I hope that each of us can live in a peaceful and safe Japan forever. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these special cases in real estate transactions, please feel free to contact us at any time.

For real estate lease, purchase, and sale,
Japan Real Estate Investment’s Jasibo Real Estate Co.

TEL: 03-6385-4666 (10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.)

For questions, consultation and inquiries about real estate: info@jcbo.jp

専任媒介 VS 一般媒介 Full-time mediation contract VS general mediation contract






















不動産に関する質問・相談・問い合わせ: メールinfo@jcbo.jpからお問い合わせ下さい。

Regarding the tendency of vendors as a whole to take commissions on both sides of the deal in the case of rentals, we feel that this is less of an issue in the rental market, where commissions tend to be lower and speed is more important in closing a deal. We do occasionally see some multi-store operators in the rental market trying to surround themselves with two-sided deals, but not often. On the other hand, a rental property that is trying to go both ways is questionable from the customer’s perspective, as the vendor will be forced to recommend that property.

In short, it is my opinion that a full-time contract itself is not a bad thing, but that the subsequent actions of the contractor determine whether it is good or bad.

From a contractor’s viewpoint, a full-time contract or a general mediation contract is that the place where it depends on each company’s policy for business is large.

(Although there is a place where I think that taking both sides of a commission may be caused by competition and evaluation of a salesman’s performance when I look at it a little further…) In my company, I try to produce results for the customer who chooses a full-time contract, and I do not take a commission with both hands.


For real estate lease, purchase, and sale,
Japan Real Estate Investment’s Jasibo Real Estate Co.

TEL: 03-6385-4666 (10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.)

For questions, consultation and inquiries about real estate: info@jcbo.jp



























不動産に関する質問・相談・問い合わせ: メールinfo@jcbo.jpからお問い合わせ下さい。

フランスの暴動と日本の治安について考えるThinking about the French Riots and Security in Japan

A few days ago I was surprised to see the news about the riots in France. I am worried about the scenes that do not seem to be in France. We hope that the problems in France will be under control soon.
The following YouTube video provides an easy-to-understand explanation of the French riots by a local. If you are interested, please take a look.


I once visited France several times as a stewardess. My impressions at the time were of shopping, enjoying the beautiful cities, visiting museums, and enjoying coffee and croissants in cafes. And watch out for snatch-and-grab.

With this issue, I learned for the first time that France is dotted with several dangerous areas. Japan is an island nation with few immigrants yet, so the concept of dangerous areas is not common, but it is very unfortunate that dangerous areas exist in France where residents who have immigrated from other regions gather, and that this has increased tension not only among the young people living there but also among police officers, leading to the worst-case scenario of a shooting.




When renting real estate in Japan, people relatively avoid brothels and graves rather than dangerous areas. This is probably because they are places for adult entertainment and for those who have gone to the afterlife.


Most people would like to keep some distance between their playground and their home.

Please be safe everyone.



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Professional and Friendly Property Referrals for a Comfortable Real Estate Search


  • I run a real estate company in Azabu, Tokyo. I qualified as a real estate agent when I helped my uncle’s real estate company.


I am a health nut and a certified home builder. I have lived and worked as a stewardess ,and after that lived in Shanghai, China for 10 years, and recently became a certified medicinal herbs coordinator due to my interest in my family’s health.


Our motto is to introduce properties in a friendly and courteous manner, tailored to your needs.


Today I would like to talk about our property search.


For those who feel it is too much of a hassle to visit a real estate agency many times, those who do not want to be introduced to several properties due to shyness, those who want a woman to introduce properties to them, those who want to narrow down properties at home by themselves, those who live abroad and want to visit in a short time after having their eyes on a place, those who have children and want to visit with a large group of people If you have children and want to visit with a large group, or if you want to take your time and look around by car, our real estate agency is perfect for you.


We will show you properties via chat, so feel free to contact us no matter where you are. We also accommodate those who are about to give birth or are ill and do not want to strain their bodies, allowing them to take their time touring in their car. This service is also available for those who have viewed some of the properties by e-mail and would like to take a leisurely tour of the property by car on the same day.


If you are interested in Feng Shui, we can help you choose a property that meets your needs. I myself have knowledge and understanding of Feng Shui and can accommodate those who are particular about the direction and surrounding environment. If you would like to see the drawings of the property first and have some idea of what you are looking for before going on a tour, you are also welcome to do so.


Tools such as Wechat and Watchup are also available, so please feel free to let us know your needs.


Inquiries from far away are also welcome. We introduce properties not only in Tokyo, but also in Saitama, Chiba, Kanagawa, etc.



We can also introduce properties in Saitama, Chiba, Kanagawa, etc. as well as Tokyo. Many people want to see the drawings before they return from overseas and have a smooth tour after their return, so please feel free to contact us by e-mail, chat, or phone.


We look forward to hearing from you. We will assist you in finding a comfortable property with professional and friendly property introductions.


As a health nut and a licensed real estate agent, I will use my wealth of experience and knowledge to introduce you to the ideal property that meets your needs. Please leave your real estate search to us with peace of mind.


Please feel free to contact me anytime for consultation or inquiry.


I will assist you in your search for better real estate.


For real estate lease, purchase, and sale,
Japan Real Estate Investment’s  Jcbo Real Estate Co.
TEL: 03-6385-4666 (10:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.)
For questions, consultation and inquiries about real estate:  mail∶ info@jcbo.jp



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養老孟司さんの思考法は鋭く、その発言は多くの人を引きつけます。私たちも彼のように深い洞察力を持つことができればと思います。皆さんもお気に入りのYou Tubeがあれば、ぜひ教えて下さい。私は生まれ日が同じだからか、彼の言葉が負に落ちます。






なぜなら、都心の駅近くの区分マンションは、その便利さから常に需要があり、必ず売り抜けることが可能だからです。株や現金だけでなく、不動産への投資も視野に入れてみてはいかがでしょうか? 特に余裕のある方には、安定した資産として区分マンションを持つことをおすすめします。






不動産に関する質問・相談・問い合わせ: メールinfo@jcbo.jpからお問い合わせ下さい。





本当に素晴らしい☆彡❣ きっと、良いパパとママになること間違いなしだと思います❣











